Thursday, October 27, 2005

एक नया प्रयास

ये मेरा एक नया प्रयास है लिखित हिन्दी को वापस अपने जीवन मे एक स्थान देने का

यँहा मै अपनी कुछ पुरानी और नई रचनाये, आप सभी के समछ प्रस्तुत करने की ईच्छा रखता हुँ, इस प्रयास मे कितना सफल होता हू ये तो समय ही बतायेगा !

Just started

This is my second attempt to set up my blog, once I have done all setup on my own site, however that never gone beyond one post, and later f0r some techincal problem blog setup has been removed.

Anyway today I have seen some nice hindi blogs and I that lead me to start my own blog at blogspot. So here I am, give me sometime to configure things for making this blog in hindi. I'll be back with more ..... and this time very soon :)